Thursday, August 2, 2012

Turning Insults to Advantages

Did you ever wonder why the Democrats and Republicans use a donkey and an elephant as their symbols? I did, and I thought I'd share what I found.

Donkey = Democrat

Andrew Jackson was the first Democrat to be associated with the donkey symbol. In 1828, his opponents called Jackson a "jackass" for his slogans about letting the people of America rule themselves. Jackson decided to use the "strong willed" donkey as a symbol on his campaign posters, representing the people ruling themselves. Cartoonist Thomas Nast used the donkey in political cartoons making the donkey famous. 

Way to go AJ for turning an insult into your advantage! 

Republican = Elephant

In a cartoon appearing in Harper's Weekly in 1874, cartoonist Thomas Nast drew a donkey clothed in lion's skin scaring away all the animals at the zoo. One of those animals, the elephant, was labeled "The Republican party”. That’s how the elephant became associated with the Republicans who consider the elephant strong and dignified. 

Nast's actual cartoon, note the donkey in lion's skin. 

Here are some funny political cartoons using the two symbols….

Seems like this will be a tough Debate

The Democrats beating the Republicans

The Republicans beating the Democrats

Here are some political cartoons mocking Romney and Obama.

Can Romney use his idea of flip-flopping to his advantage?

Will obama turn bad economics to his advantage?

Next time someone makes fun of you, use it to your advantage like our forefathers!



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