Saturday, June 18, 2011


Hi there folks,
Today I traveled to Senegal. The airplane ride was nice, but I dislike Air France food. Who wants to eat Duck and Fois Gras at ten years old? I watched movies the whole plane ride.

The airport in Senegal was no LAX. It was small and really hot, and the lines were really long and I got bonked by a suitcase twice. People don't even say excuse me.

We were met by the Unicef staff that will accompany us on our journey. Brian is nice and friendly. Rachel is on her first trip so this must be exciting for her too. We ate dinner together and we talked about my mom's other Unicef trips and the other people coming on this trip.

We saw some beggers on the street. It's kind of sad how people have to beg for money. I was told not to look them in the eye or it will mean I want to help them. It's not as easy as it seems to not look someone in the eye. Some Muslim schools send their own students out in the streets to beg. I think that is wrong.

It's 1am here. Time to go to sleep after a long day.

1 comment:

  1. Eman - what is it hot in Senegal? Can you understand the french dialect? xx trisha and ava
