Monday, August 6, 2012

Ebola Outbreak!

Hi everybody,

Aghhhh - New Virus in town!!!!
 I just read a terrifying article about a virus that is infecting people in Uganda, Africa. 

Ebola virus!
So far 53 people are infected and 16 have already died from the highly contageous virus. 

You might think 14 deaths may be a small number compared to the people who die from Malaria every day. Keep in mind, in Africa a child dies from Malaria every 30 seconds. 

Malaria can be controlled with mosquito nets
But the Ebola virus has a terrifying rate of death and horrible symptoms!

The effects of Ebola (man that is CREEPY!)

Ebola has the potential to wipe out entire villages and even cities! 

A worried man who has been infected with Ebola

Uganda's government says the outbreak is "under control", but the virus has stricken fear through the country.


Let's hope Ebola  actually is "under control" and doesn't find it's way to any other country in Africa or around the world.

Thanks everybody!


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