Thursday, August 16, 2012

Les Invalides - best war museum in Paris

Hi everyone,

I want to tell you about one of my favorite war museums, Les Invalides, in Paris, France.

The very beautiful Les Invalides

I love this museum because it has a timeline from when Napolelon the 1st was in power through WW1 and 2. You learn about the military history of France with models and many maps (I'm a map lover!).

These maps show allied powers take over Italy to stop Mussolini

My favorite exhibit focuses on WW2.  I find WW2 fascinating because the war was such a brutal conflict, and almost every country in the world participated. 

What interests me most is Hitler's rise as he takes over Europe, and his inevitable fall.

A large WW2 tank

Les Invalides also has an exciting history. It used to be an army base, holding thousands of weapons, and many cannons for the French.

I feel bad for whoever had to cary these cannons in war time!

A very accurate model of the trenches, or fox holes,  in the first world war

The French Revoluion began when the commoners and soldiers alike stormed Les Invalides to steal weapons. 
A mob attacks the bastille.

Les Invalides also holds the tomb of Napoleon, and some of his generals.

Such a big tomb, for such a little guy

 This museum is great, if you love history and weapons. Sometimes museums can be boring for kids, but this is a great museum for kids, and especially boys!



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